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The Voo

Calm and relax the body.

This stimulates the vagus nerve to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which calms and relaxes the body.

To start

  • Notice how you feel before trying this to gauge how this works for you. 

  • How do you feel from 1-10? 

  • Now inhale and on your exhale try a deep VOO noise 5 times. 

  • Can you feel the vibrations? 

Before moving on with your day, notice how you feel. 

  • Did this bring anything up for you?  

  • Check-in an hour later, and see if anything has shifted. 

Note: this won’t change your circumstances but regulating your nervous system can help to shift perspective and find a sense of calm or bring up emotions that you’ve been holding inside  (at least a little more than you were feeling before starting.)

Let me know how this felt for you!