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Warrior II

Warrior II is a great posture that you can add in different variations to increase intensity or to modify to fit your needs. 

To get into the posture: 

  • Point your front foot so that your toes are aiming to the top of your mat. 

  • Take a wide stance so your front foot is at the top of your mat and your back foot is towards the back edge of your mat. 

  • Press your back foot so that it is parallel to the short edge of your mat. 

  • Sink into this pose by stacking your knee over your front ankle.

  • If this feels like too much, you can always straighten your front leg. 

  • Pull your fingers in opposite directions so that your arms form one long line. 

  • Focus on spreading your shoulder blades apart, and engage your arm muscles to feel a deep activation.

You may have heard teachers say heel to arch alignment in the past. During pregnancy when you’re feeling a bit more wobbly, (or even if not pregnant, you just feel like you could use more stability) try heel to heel alignment or even further to feel grounded.  

Using a wall behind you to find optimal balance is another awesome resource. 

Posture benefits: 

  • Strengthens legs

  • Opens hips

  • Strengthens shoulders

  • Strengthens arms

  • Engages core

  • Brings focus to the mind

Is Warrior II one of your favorite poses?

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