Workplace Yoga
Did you know that you can do yoga to get an energy boost at work, instead of needing to rely on that extra cup of coffee?
Here are three quick postures that you can do in less than 5 minutes to release tension, improve circulation and de-stress!
Forward fold/Ragdoll
Bend forward, and hang your head heavy like a bowling ball.
Option to grab opposite elbows.
Shift more of your weight into the ball mounds of your feet, and place a slight bend in your knee.
Start swaying side to side if that feels good.
Benefits: Stretches the hamstrings, calves and low back while releasing tension in your neck and shoulders. Reduces stress.
2. 90-Degree stretch
Place your hands on the wall at hip level and step back so that your upper body and legs create a 90-degree angle.
Benefits: Lengthens back and hamstrings.
3. Spinal Twist
Place your left hand on the outside edge of your right knee and gaze over your right shoulder.
Take a few breaths here - on the inhale lengthen the spine, and on the exhale twist to rinse out your internal organs.
Do both sides.
Benefits: Detoxifies internal organs, stretches and lengthens back, increases range of motion, and reduces stress.