Yoga can provide great benefits mentally and physically, however only you know your own limitations when it comes to your body. 

Please consult your healthcare provider with any concerns prior to starting any new exercise program, including yoga to be sure that it is appropriate for your needs. This is particularly important if you are overweight, pregnant, nursing, regularly taking medications, or have any existing medical conditions. Andrea Hunt’s (we, us, our) yoga and Reiki offerings may not be tailored to suit your current physical and mental health. 

If you suffer from any specific injury or disease, it is best to consult your physician prior to signing up for our offerings. If your physician supports yoga with your given condition, please let us know of any injury that is current or any major surgeries as they relate to your practice so we can be mindful of your physical needs and can support you with the appropriate modifications. 

While participating in any exercise or any exercise program, there is a risk of possible physical injury. During our live Zoom classes, workshops, sessions, or even recorded offerings, know that the exercises are intended for specific ability ranges and they will be notated in the description of that offering. Not all exercises that we offer in sessions or as post-class recommendations for additional postures are intended for all persons. 

Please select the appropriate class for your level of experience. Take breaks and/ or omit poses or sequences that are not suitable for you. You should wear comfortable clothing so that you can move freely with each posture. 

Prior to participating in any exercise program, workout, or class, you should warm-up and cool down properly to ensure you are preparing your muscles and recovering them to avoid injury. You should avoid alcohol, drugs, or similar impairing substances before any workout, yoga practice, and meditation. Avoid eating heavy meals for a few hours before practicing yoga to avoid discomfort and to allow your body time to digest. You should be very hydrated when practicing yoga and after as there can be not only a physical exercise but also detoxification with the practice. 

The practice of yoga asanas (the physical postures) builds flexibility and strength in the body. However these do not happen immediately or overnight, so it is important for you as the yoga practitioner, to gauge the safety of your practice within your own physical limitations. It is better to slowly build up your yoga practice than to force your way in which can cause injury and strain. If you feel lightheaded, dizzy, or faint at any anytime, you should stop and take breaks at your own pace. If you are feeling severe conditions, you should consult your medical doctor. You are responsible for your condition during your practice. 

In yoga, there is a fine line between finding your edge and pushing past it. Only you know when you are at your limit for the day and you should honor where your body is at for any given day that you practice. Our classes allow for you to build upon your yoga foundation. It is not recommended to attempt any yoga poses or exercises for the first time without suitable experience or supervision. 

If you are pregnant, you should consult with your doctor to see if these programs are suitable for you. Andrea Hunt is certified in pre and post-natal yoga, however since these sessions are virtual, ultimately you need to be aware of what postures you can and cannot safely do during each stage of your pregnancy. 

Due to COVID-19, Andrea Hunt is offering yoga and Reiki virtually. Since this is an online offering, it is up to the individual to assess their ability to participate in these online classes and other offerings. Since we are not able to offer yoga in a studio space at this time, please be mindful of your space when practicing yoga. Be sure that you have enough space around you and that you are in a well-lit environment to minimize the risk of injury. 

Andrea Hunt’s yoga and Reiki offerings focus on holistic and natural healing methods through previous studies, examples, books, training, and certifications to help others lead a more positive, healthy lifestyle through learning and participating with these holistic methods of yoga and Reiki. Energy healing systems such as Reiki are not suitable for medical care. The Reiki service that we offer is not for the purposes of substituting, replacing, or contradicting sound medical advice or medical care. The information is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical illness. If you have medical concerns, you are advised to contact a licensed physician. 

All videos, classes, workshops, corporate offerings, reiki, marketing materials, and all accompanying materials are not liable for any injury, accident, or injury. This website, associated apps, and social media for Andrea Hunt Yoga may contain some technical or other mistakes, inaccuracies, or typographical errors. We cannot be held responsible for any mistakes or omissions on this website. 

Andrea Hunt Yoga is not a licensed medical care provider and represents that she and partners have no expertise in diagnosing, examining, or treating any medical conditions of any kind, or in determining the effect of any specific exercise on medical conditions. The information provided on this website is for educational purposes only. It does not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Andrea Hunt Yoga makes no representations or warranties with regards to the completeness of information on this website or any linked websites, classes, videos, apps, affiliates, social media, or other products represented herein. Any information provided on this site is solely at your own risk. If you participate or engage in any form of the exercise provided herein, you agree that you do so at your own risk, and are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself and agree to release and discharge Andrea Hunt Yoga from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of Andrea Hunt Yoga’s negligence.

Andrea Hunt Yoga and its members accept no liability and assume any responsibility whatsoever for any damages arising from using any of the information provided on this website, affiliated apps, or on social media.