How can yoga boost my mood?

Have you ever taken a yoga class, and then right after you walk outside and you really feel the fresh air, you're just noticing everything around you, you forget to check your phone, and you just take a steep sip of air?

That is because yoga can completely affect and boost your mood. Not only does it affect your endocrine system, your gut health, it increases your serotonin and oxytocin levels. This is a moment to moment practice that really helps you to come to the present moment.

I know that for me when I'm in the present moment, that's when I am my most joyful self. This is a practice where, over time, it can profoundly affect your mood. But even in one class, you can feel the benefits of enhancing your mood through yoga.

All of my Yoga classes and Reiki Sessions help to boost your mood, you can view all of my offerings here.


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Increase Flexibility

Flexibility and yoga go hand in hand. You don’t have to be flexible to get started!

Tone Muscle

A question that I get a lot, is can I TONE my body with yoga?

Yoga for Injuries

It is something that you should check in with your physician about first.