Can yoga reduce stress and anxiety?

Yoga is a wonderful tool to reduce stress and anxiety. When you’re feeling stressed, or you’re feeling anxious, something is not only going on in your brain and in your hormones but also throughout your body. One of the ways to work through anxiety is through the body. Through my trauma-informed yoga background, I give you resources like grounding, centering, orienting, and breathing to help regulate and soothe your nervous system. Along with that, yoga sequences are so wonderful for this because on a physical level, it can lower your heart rate, your blood pressure and reduce your cortisol levels, which are all factors in feeling overwhelmed and anxious.

When your body starts to calm, and your brain follows suit, you start to feel more of an inner peace. Also, anxiety is future related, and yoga is this meditative, mindful practice that is able to bring you back to the present moment. Which, again, will help you find a nice inner peace and regulate the nervous system. 

All of my Yoga classes and Reiki Sessions help to reduce stress and anxiety, you can view all of my offerings here.


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