Meditation and Pregnancy


Meditation is key! 


Did you know that our brain chemistry changes from meditation and when pregnant your baby is completely affected by your brain chemistry? 


If you don’t know much about meditation, I recommend the podcast Vedic Worldview (Episode: Meditation for Mother and Baby) and or try one of my guided quick meditations on my Playbook app

Did you know that your brain chemistry can make its way into utero and affect baby?

So your mood and the stress chemistry you feel is something that the baby feels too!

Baby can feel its first stressors in utero.  

So what do we do about it?  I mean, stress can just be a part of life. Chronic stress however is different.  


If something happens that you feel is stressful and stays with you for a longer period of time, this is when it can affect you and your baby’s health.

Meditation is a wonderful tool to use over time that will help to limit how long you feel the effects of stress after an event occurs.  Stress can be inevitable but the way you handle it does not have to be.


I have so loved learning more about meditating while pregnant - check out The Vedic Worldview podcast - episode: meditation for mother and babies if you’re interested in learning more.  

There are also amazing apps for moms through pregnancy like Expectful


What meditations or tools helped throughout your pregnancy?

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