Ultradian rhythms


Did you know our bodies go through natural energy cycles? 


We can be focused and active for about 90 mins then we need a quick 5-10 time out in order to return to optimal brain function and creativity.  

When we take a break we are able to start the new or same task feeling refreshed and ready. 

When we don’t take the time to slow down that’s when we reach for the external sources of energy like sweets and coffee!  


Things to do for your quick rest cycle: 

  • Take a 5-10 min walk 

  • Do a quick stretch 

  • Lay on the floor or a mat and allow your legs to rest on a wall 

  • Meditate

  • Let your eyes wander around the room, daydream!  

    Rest really can be the best thing for creativity, mood, and ENERGY!


How do you incorporate breaks into your work schedule?

Andrea HuntComment