Yoga Poses for Each Trimester


These few poses have been my go-to’s.

I hope they bring you some relief during your pregnancy!


1st Trimester

Half-Moon (Arha Chandrasana)

This semester, for me, was all about the Anti-Nausea poses. Some of my favorites are:

  • Half moon.

  • Hero pose at an incline.

Prenatal safety tip:

Try using a block or a wall behind you to find balance.  


2nd Trimester


As I moved into my second trimester, I wanted to feel strong and energized. 

Bird-dog is a great pose to help build strength and to get the blood flowing for energy!

Bird dog form tips

  • Make sure to lengthen your spine and don’t arch your low back. 

  • It’s so easy to let go of the back completely when we give the belly some hang time but we can definitely overarch so keep the back long and strong!


Third Trimester

Finding Length 

Some of my favorite stretches to create length are:

Cat cow

  • Focus on the upper back.

  • As your baby gets heavier, more pressure is applied to your low back. 

  • When doing cat/cow focus on the upper back.

Table top

  • Hip circles are my absolute favorite right now! 

  • Allow your shoulders to move above and below your hands as you move organically to release tightness. 


What other poses have helped you during your pregnancy?

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